

Well, I crashed.

For those of you who follow me, or know me at all, this comes as no real surprise. I’m a “let’s see what this does” kinda guy and, sometimes, “what this does” is destroy everything.

I destroyed everything.

A minor update locked me out of my Dashboard. Any reasonable human being would have called tech support, waited 4 hours in queue, and had some techie on the other side of the world do something magical to restore the site. But not Tom. Tom’s got wrenches. So, I went to work. Hell, I went so far as to move my domain to another location to see if I had easier access to the doodads that control the thingamajigs.

Then I found my backup files.

You know how this ends, right? Say it with me: “the backup files are incompatible with the new domain location.” Well, of course they are. And to top it off?

“It is only possible to transfer a domain [again] after 60 days after the registration date. This 60 day lock is required by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and cannot be waived.”

So my entire history is temporarily out of sync with this reality. Ah well.

I suppose that is why I became a “let’s see what this does” kinda guy in the first place, because I’m incredibly in tune with the emotion “Ah well.”

C’est la vie, as they say.

We’ll deal with the archives later. In the meantime, welcome to redux, or Tom Marches On as I like to call it. What will I do differently? How will I differentiate this from before? How many ways can I use words like differentiable in a sentence?

That’s probably enough.

So let’s get to what I hope Tom Marches On is all about.

I hope it’s cool with you, because you’re here to see it. I hope it doesn’t crash, because sustainability of existence is important in an orderly sphere. And we all hope it’s short, because we know how longwinded I get.

Consequently, here’s the plan:

I want to be succinct. Shorter, timelier, and perhaps more frequent musings. I want you to drop in, say “good show,” and pop out to go about your day. Definitely, I don’t want you afraid to click in because of my verbosity.

What it won’t be is a change in me. I’ll tell you all about me, my wife, my dogs, my football team, my party peeps, my political hopes, my personal growth, your personal growth, and how love and tolerance make the world a better place. All that will still be here.

Only shorter. If possible.

And when those archives return, or I find a place for them, I’ll let you know so you can go back and remind yourself how loquacious and obstinate I can be. You remember Tom, right?

Well, Tom is back.

Tom marches on.

67 thoughts on “Succinct

  1. I am feeling a sense of utter relief at your return and also welcome the future return of your loquacious self, which I think may be inevitable and I know will be enjoyed by all!!!! As for the archives, they are, as one says… the past…Welcome back, Sweet Tom!!!!!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Haha! Even I don’t believe I’ll be able to sustain my brevity … but dammit I’m gonna try! Thanks for welcoming me back after my weeklong struggle and absence (feels like its been years!).

      “… in the past …” I love that. ☺️ To the future, I always say! (Or “Excelsior!” in Stan Lee’s words 🙂 ).

      P.S. In the category of “always thinking of my sista,” how’s the font and color here? I remember you saying, when I changed to my old theme at the beginning of last year, that it was easier to read than the previous one. When I was forming this one I thought, “how well will Susan see this?” Kinda funny, huh!

      Liked by 2 people

      1. You are going to make my all emotional on this inauguration of the new version of TBT! You really are so kind and thoughtful Tom! And, the site is perfect for this blind lady! The font is really easy and comfortable to read! Thank you for thinking of me!

        Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you, brother! I’m trying to practice the whole “brevity, soul, and wit” thing but we’ll see how long it lasts. 500 words a post is my goal, and I broke it today (514). Knowing Tom the way I do, he’ll get wordier and wordier as time goes by. As Tom Marches On. 😁


    1. Thanks, Jeremy! Good to see you; feels like it’s been ages. Oddly enough, just last night, I had a dream about the old flag football days. Woke up sore. And I threw a pick. 😏 Some things never change. Appreciate you stopping by!


  2. I’m glad to read anything from anywhere you decide to land. Good luck. I hate updates, they always screw everything up and you lose a lot, never fails. On the upside, I like the new handle🤗

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Cheryl! When one door closes, another opens, and all we can do is march right through (after checking for traps and secret passages). Appreciate the feedback on that, and love that you’re still here with me! ❤️


  3. I already drank the Tom kool-aid, so frankly, doesn’t matter what you do, I’ll be here for it! You handle these things with such grace and I admire the hell out of you for it. I would have tossed my laptop over the balcony and cried hysterically for days, while crumpled in a heap on the floor. Thanks for being you!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. You’re welcome, and thank YOU, Tanya! Although there were no crumpling cries, there were plenty of loud-mouthed expletives and threatening gestures. Just ask the missus. Or the neighbors. Everybody is happy Tom has a blog again, especially those who have to live with/by me. 😉

      Liked by 2 people

  4. “My entire history is temporarily out of sync with this reality” is a fantastic sentence.

    I know I’d be a lot more freaked out at losing my blogging history. I do hope that you meet back up with it soon, and until then, I’ll enjoy the new reality, whatever form it takes.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Harry! I like to make certain plans, you know, but the reality hardly ever matches up with the plans. We’ll take it as we go and if it strays too far … ah well. 😉


  5. Fresh starts are good. Even if you just intend to do the same thing as ever, but with a different title. I should know. As for the 60 day blockade from your own archives, that’s another area where I am laughably old school, but sometimes that works out best. Just before I killed Spooky Action At A Distance, I printed out all of my material. On paper. So my archives are now in a Rubbermaid storage container, in 3 large stacks held together by binder clips. Viva technology!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Haha! That’s awesome, Paul, and good thinking. All I have of my old blog are the rough drafts I create (and mostly save) in Word before I transfer them to WordPress and polish to submit. But, hey, a rough draft is better than no draft at all.

      Actually, that’s true with beer, too. 😉

      So here’s to fresh starts, new fonts, more frequent backups, and … if we must … tech support. Salud! 🍻

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  6. I’m feeling this strongly, Brother. I hammered mine last week and it’s still not right. So sorry you’re dealing with this but we have the right attitude- WHATEVS!

    Keep truckin’ 🚶‍♂️

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Tom have you ever listened to the song by Tracy Lawrence named “Time Marches On?”. It totally reminds me of our family. Listen and tell me what you think. Maybe it’s just my perspective.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. It’s fitting that you went to great lengths to explain your decision to be more succinct, and sufferin’ succotash, the internet can frustrate as much as it can entertain. Anyway it’s super you’ve made a successful return and those of us who sulked and skulked around in your absence can find succor for our skulls again. Here’s to synchronicity soon. To put it succinctly your temporary secession from the virtual world sucked.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hahaha! Thank you, Christopher, for the kind words and early morning mirth. It’s good to be back, in this or any form. Even though I was only gone a short time I missed it and, even moreso, it bugged the living hell out of me fighting the expulsion. I was off center! Now, I am centered again.

      You know, I could have just succinctly said “Thanks, Chris, good to be back!” but that doesn’t sound like me at all. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

  9. I’m so happy you’re back, and I love the new name as well. I keep wanting to change my blog name (mydangblog is something I just thought up quick) but I’m afraid something bad will happen. I always write my posts in Word first so that I have an archive, but still…mostly I worry that my followers won’t know where to find me–did you have to do anything to make sure you didn’t lose any?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I got lucky, Suzanne! I thought I’d have to go round up all my favorite peeps but when I launched, you were all already here. You all stayed with the domain! I did lose all my e-mail followers, though.

      I write everything in Word first, too, but edit and polish in WP. So, I have all my rough drafts. If unable to recover maybe I’ll sneak in a few of those, re-polished, and see if anyone notices. 😉

      And for the record, I LOVE “My Dang Blog” … I wouldn’t change a thing!


  10. Oh thank God, now I can get on with the rest of my life! Kidding! So glad you are up and running after all the troubles. Never feel you get long winded…it’s Tom Being Tom! Looking forward to your next post!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Haha! Thanks, Jimmy, sorry to keep you on pins and needles that whole time. 🤣

      Very much appreciate the kind words; always nice to know my loquacious elocution isn’t disparaged by the masses. But let me ask you this:

      Will you still love me when I beat you in the playoffs? 😉


  11. Yep, we’ve all been here, drumming our fingers, waiting for you to finally show up. Welcome back! I feel your pain having recently experienced temporary death of a laptop. Hopefully you’ll have everything back once your quarantine time is served. I’m reading this in the reader so will have to go for a look-see at your site proper. The old version gave me no choice 😉 I hopped on board for Tom Being Tom, so if Tom is wanting to Be something slightly different, it’s still Tom Being Tom, so I’ll be keeping step. By the left…….!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Lockwood! I’m having an easier time coping with the loss of data then I thought I might; it was the being without a platform to express the Tom that wore me out! And I’m starting to like WP as my domain more than I liked BH as my domain … for one thing when I post it shows up in Reader lickety-split! And, as you’ve mentioned, I now appear readable in the Reader. That’s a plus, I’d wager.

      So, thanks for welcoming me back, and joining me in the TBT party, once again. Starting fresh, we’ll build again!

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Pingback: Tom Being Tom

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